Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Homemade Electrolyte Drinks

When a stomach or intestinal bug strikes, what is one of the first things you rush to the store to get?

Gatorade? Pedialyte?

Not only are these drinks expensive, buy these drinks are loaded with artificial sweeteners, flavors and dyes which are not only bad for you when you are sick, but are not good for you when you are well either.

Vintage Remedies Homemade Electrolyte Drink
1 cup purified water
1/3 cup organic grape, orange or berry juice
1/4 tsp pure mineral salt (an unrefined sea salt)
a pinch of baking soda

Blend all ingredients well. Store in refrigerator. Serve cold.

How this works

Purified water
Filtered water does not contain contaminants that find their way in to the water supply. 
I recommend Big Berkey Water Filter Systems, which filter out nearly 100% of contaminants without removing beneficial minerals, and they last Filter systems like Brita and Pur filter out some contaminants but not to the degree which Big Berkeys do - see the comparison. Learn more about Big Berkey here.
Organic juice
Juice adds flavor to the electrolyte drink while providing a boost of vitamins, mainly vitamin C. Freshly-squeeze organic juice is best, but store-bought organic is your next best option. Organic means that is was grown and processed without the use of pesticides or additives. 

For a little extra sweetness and added health benefit you can add 2 tablespoons of raw honey to this solution.

Mineral salt (aka sea salt)
Sea salt contains 92 of vital trace minerals our bodies need and will help aid in rehydration. Traditional white table salt is usually refined and processed at high temperatures, has been bleached and contains chemical additives. Which do you want in you body?
I use Redmond RealSalt Nature's First Sea Salt. Vitacost has some great prices on the 9 oz and 26oz varieties. If you are not a member of Vitacost you can join today {it's FREE} and get a $10 credit! This would bring your cost for either of these items to $0.00.
Baking soda
Baking soda {aka calcium carbonate} aids in hydration.