Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to get healthy skin

How to get healthy skin

For a powerful metabolism-boosting drink

For a powerful metabolism-boosting drink, try Dr. Oz’s Tangerine Weight-Orade. It contains: green tea, shown to boost metabolism 12% by drinking just one cup; tangerine, with a chemical composition that increases sensitivity to insulin and stimulates genes that help to burn fat; and mint, a calorie-free flavor enhancer. In a large pitcher, combine: 8 cups of brewed green tea / 1 tangerine, sliced / A handful of mint leaves / Stir this delicious concoction up at night so all the flavors fuse together. Drink 1 pitcher daily for maximum metabolism-boosting results.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Though stretching has yet to be proven as an effective method of reducing lactic acid in your muscles-it sure does feel good after a run :)

One Trip Grip Grocery Bag Holder

One Trip Grip Grocery Bag Holder

Availability: In stock

Quick Overview

The One Trip Grip is a shopping bag holding hook that eliminates multiple trips from the car to the kitchen, up the stairs and more!

With a 50 lb. capacity, you'll be able to carry your groceries in with ease.

Dimensions: 6.5"H x 5.5"W x 1.0"D

Monday, December 24, 2012

Smoothie Recipe for the Fitness Junkies

Smoothie Recipe for the Fitness Junkies

serves 2 in tall glasses, or 3 in smaller glasses
2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/4 cup almond butter*
2 frozen ripe bananas [I break each banana into pieces, wrap in freezer-safe foil, and freeze overnight]
2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons honey or desired sweetness
Blend and enjoy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blueberry Cobbler Recipe

Blueberry Cobbler Recipe - 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 cup of milk, dash of salt, 1/4 cup of butter (1/2 stick melted) Melt butter in the bottom of 9x13 pan - Mix sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and milk and pour butter in to mixture - Pour over any fruit, fresh or frozen berries (add a little sugar to berries), fresh or canned peaches, canned apples, canned cherries etc. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes - until gold brown. Serve warm with Ice Cream

Friday, December 21, 2012

foods that boost your metabolism

foods that boost your metabolism

Do-It-Yourself Protein Bars

Do-It-Yourself Protein Bars - 2 Cups Peanut Butter. 1 3/4 Cups honey. 2 1/4 Cups Protein Powder. 3 Cups dried oatmeal or granola. In a microwave safe bowl combine peanut butter and honey for 70 -90 seconds. Add protein powder and oatmeal. Mix all of this (it will be thick). Press it into 9X13 inch pan. Put it in the refrigerator to cool. I'm going to add some dried fruit too

Do it

What 200 Calories looks like. Such a good guide!

What 200 Calories looks like. Such a good guide!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to Grow leeks

How to Grow leeks. I learned something new about leeks this year: you have to plant them low. If you want to get pretty white stems like you see in the grocery, then you have to “hill” them up like you do for potatoes. You plant leeks so that the fork in the leaves is just above the soil. As the leeks grow, you gradually add more soil, always keeping the fork in the leaves above the soil level.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Salmon burgers

Salmon burgers

Note: - High protein, low carb
- Good fats (omega 3,6)
- very easy and quick

Ingrediƫnts (2servings):
- 100 g smoked salmon
- 250 g salmon
- 1/2 (red) onion
- black pepper and salt
- a bit of fresh coriander

- cut the salmon and smoked salmon in little pieces (or cut shortly in a food processor)
- put in a bowl together with the chopped onion and fresh chopped corander and mix
- add the black pepper and a bit of salt
- make 2 burgers
- bake them in a non-stick pan

Nutritional fact (1serving):
Energy: 325 cal
Protein: 33,5 g
Carbohydrates: 3 g (sugar 3 g)
Fat: 20 g (Saturated 4,5 g)
Fiber: 1 g

Get a jolt of AM energy with this GREEN TEA SMOOTHIE!

Get a jolt of AM energy with this GREEN TEA SMOOTHIE! Brew one green tea bag in 4 oz hot water for 3-5 minutes; remove tea bag and let tea cool to room temp. Blend the tea, 1/2 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt, 1 cup frozen mango chunks & 3-5 ice cubes until smooth. 1 smoothie = 190 calories & 10 grams filling protein

Monday, December 17, 2012

coconut oil is a great all-in-one. It's an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal & anti-viral

coconut oil is a great all-in-one. It's an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal & anti-viral. It improves nutrient absorption. It can be used in cooking. It's a lip balm, moisturizer, shaving cream, deep treatment conditioner, makeup remover, body scrub (mix with sugar for an exfoliant), bug bite balm, Athlete's Foot treatment & canker sore treatment. It has also been proven to boost metabolism & aid in digestion. Coconut Oil will save the world!

Drink warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice

Drink warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice. It will bring you in shape and clear your body and skin.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

recipe with onion

you can do this recipe with onion 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Clean your shower and tubs

 Clean your shower and tubs (or tile) Instructions 1. Halve Grapefruit: 1 medium to large grapefruit will clean your entire bath or shower from top to bottom, including all the fixtures. Simply cut it in half with a knife and you'll be all set. 2. Sprinkle With Salt: Using 1 grapefruit half at a time, sprinkle liberally with salt. Wet your bathtub and sprinkle the remaining salt around the bottom. 3. Take That Scrubbing Bubbles!Scrub your grapefruit around your shower or tub, making sure to slightly "juice" the citrus over each fixture and lifting it every few seconds to pick up fresh salt from around the tub instead of just pushing it around. 4. Rinse: When all is said and done, simply rinse away the pulpy bits and the salt and your shower is as good as new. Not only is it clean, it will smell so fantastic you'll want to curl up in it and read a book. Ok, probably not, but you get the idea! Additional Notes: This technique will get thick grime and dirt rings off your shower area and does amazing work on cast iron tubs especially. You can also use this method to clean your sinks, toilets, tile and more — it just depends on how grapefruit crazy you want to get!

spray bottle

Take a spray bottle, fill it about 1/8th full with rubbing alcohol, add a drop of Dawn dishwashing soap, a few drops of scented oil (optional, but makes it smell so good), fill the rest of the way with water, shake together, and you're good to go! It makes your granite (or any countertop) shine and feel so smooth at a fraction of the price~I have loved it and use it on my appliances as well. \

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Shrimp you will EVER taste

Gotta try this! Melt a stick of butter in the pan. Slice one lemon and layer it on top of the butter. Put down fresh shrimp, then sprinkle one pack of dried Italian seasoning. Put in the oven and bake at 350 for 15 min. Best Shrimp you will EVER taste:)